Unusual public gay sex

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There, youngsters performed elaborate daisy-chains of sexual acts, the emperor by turns voyeur and participant. According to his biographer Suetonius, in later life, Tiberius built himself a porn central on Capri.

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Most sexually twisted ruler: Emperor Nero? Or Caligula? Mere runners-up. With Tip Sheet, she shared some carnal curiosities and extraordinary stories of sex and love, encountered while researching The Joy of Sexus. Her book's topics range from orgasm to the long-ago fear of hermaphrodites, from circumcision to the wide acceptance of a variety of gay relationships. “Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians had erotic preferences and sexual taboos we’ve seldom heard about,” says California author and historical detective Vicki León in her new book The Joy of Sexus: Lust, Love, & Longing in the Ancient World.

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